News and Stuff From and about Amber Caldwell
Today was a pretty good day. For a school day that is. I went this morning with my older brother to school for my only class of the day. My brother always gets upset if I leave his car door unlocked, and I usually end up leaving it unlocked. Today was different though. A miracle happened. I locked the door. I think even my brother was suprised that I actually remembered to lock his door. As soon as he unlocked it for me, I gasped and said "Richie it's a miracle!" And he was like, "Oh ya Amber it is". After school we drove by Dairy Queen to get some lunch. No joke it took those people working there 30 mins to get two meals out to us. And it wasn't like there was a lot of people waiting in line either. I wanted to get their store number to complain to them, but Richie didn't stick around long enough to let me do that. Then we had to run to the store for my mom to pick up some things that she needed for dinner. As soon as we got out of the car there was a sales lady waiting for us. She was selling "Curve for Men". I couldn't help but laugh when she sprayed some cologne on Richie. I could tell by the look on his face he wasn't interested in her product, and since he already told the lady that he didn't wear cologne. She finally told my brother the "Great Price" she was selling it for and after a long silent pause between them she asked if he wanted to buy some. Richie responded " I don't have any money'" Then she said "oh we accept checks" Richie replied "I don't have checks" and walked off. I thought it was a pretty funny experience. He had me holding back my laugh because of his facial expressions. I've been told by one of my good friends that "Watching you and Richie's faces is like watching a movie. You can tell exactly what you are thinking". We finally came home and went our seperate ways as we always do, but the things that occur when my brother and I are together, always keep me laughing.
on Sep 08, 2004
hey nice BLOG, haha
keep up the good work woman!!!
on Sep 08, 2004
Neato Amber!
on Sep 09, 2004
wow, Amber, aren't you up on the times. since when do you know anything about computers or the internet? that was a great story, but i think you need to do more "news" stories like this one. That is a great site. you're welcome.
on Sep 09, 2004
that was the most stupid and boring article I have evr read
on Sep 09, 2004
Hehe, I thought it was actually pretty good. I can so see all of it happening. I can even see y'alls silly facial expressions... hehe... Keep up the good work!