Britney Spears recently married Kevin Federline, a dancer, and said she would like to take on his last name and start a family. Kevin Federline appeared in the movie You Got Served, and was also a back up singer for Spears previous boyfriend Justin Timberlake. And apparantly Federline already has a family of his own: a 2-yr old and a newborn. Britney said, "she would like to have a child, but still needed to get some business affairs sorted out beforehand, according to this week's Bunte." What Business affairs? And since when does Spears want to go mommy?
This is her second marriage this year...."In January, Spears married childhood friend Jason Alexander in a surprise wedding in Las Vegas. That marriage was annulled 55 hours later."
How long is she going to last with this guy? 56 hrs maybe?
This cracks me up!