News and Stuff From and about Amber Caldwell
Published on November 25, 2004 By Amber Caldwell In Home & Family
Thanksgiving. The special time of year when you stuff your face full for a whole day, watch football and nap. Along with the typical events that come with the holiday their are also family traditions that have been passed along from generation to generation. One of my family's tradtions is on Thanksgiving day for as long as I can remember, we have held a church-wide flag football Turkey Bowl. It has become on the biggest hypes and something that is anticipated for weeks. It's the game where previous football players get to show off their talent, and where old timers get to take pride in showing to others their vast knowledge of the sport. Every year on the week before thanksgiving there is a draft that is held. All of the team captians get together and determine who goes to which team. The Turkey Bowl has become in their minds the Super Bowl. Not only do the players show up at eight in the morning to play in the freezing weather, but also their families and friends come to watch the biggest game of the year. One wouldn't think that a measely flag football game could hold so much value to so many but when you go out there just to watch you can feel the tension and the rivalry between all the teams, especially against my dad's team. His team has one almost every single Turkey Bowl and competion gets more heated with every season. It's not your typical Thanksgiving tradtion but it is one that always holds many memories and I wouldn't trade our tradition for any other.
on Nov 25, 2004
happy thanksgiving... and STOP with the turkey killing!!! im a dork
on Nov 25, 2004
Turkey killing? I didn't mention anything about that. You are a dork.
on Nov 27, 2004
Man I missed the turkey bowl this year! It didn't even feel like Thanksgiving until we sat down to eat our
Thanksgiving meal. do you know who started turkey bowl? Well, I miss ya bunches girl!