News and Stuff From and about Amber Caldwell
Published on January 4, 2005 By Amber Caldwell In Misc
It's been like weeks and days since I've last written, not that anyone has been complaining.
I have been extremely busy with school finals and working full time....haven't had a lot of time to do the things that I like to do.
I can't believe that it's already 2005! It seems like the year 2000 had just rolled around. When I look back and think about all the things that I have happened this past year, it just seems like it all flew by so fast. I'm not complaining though that the year is over because this year started off great.
I went on vacation this past week to go and visit my Aunt up in Ft. Worth. Oh and what a time I had; between having massive, brusing pillow fights, experiencing street luge, getting shot in the fore head from three feet away with an airsoft gun, and spending the weekend with the most awesome guy, I had a great time and was not ready to come home. Now I'm regretting going back to school and work. I guess all good things have to end at some point though. That's just the gist of what has happened since I have last written, and I regret I can't write more but life is calling.

on Jan 10, 2005
i was typing my name on the internet because i heard of a boy who did the same thing and found out her was MISSING. That's when i found out we had the same name. This has nothing to do with anything but i was just hitting you up because it interested me. i'll talk to you later
on Jan 11, 2005
Ha, for a second there I thought that I had written that to myself. Wow that is really... weird . I mean I never really thought that someone could have the same name as me. Tha't's awesome though. Hey you're famous now!
on Jan 11, 2005
Yeah, I was kind of disappointed to find out how many Gene Nashes there are. Not to mention the weirdness of reading an obituary with your name on it.
on Jan 11, 2005
haha amber, cause having the same name as you makes someone famous... =p jk, of course it does! that's pretty fun though. I've looked me up several times and I've never really found anything exciting.... oh well.